

As an outsourced book keeper, we ensure that the clients’ books of accounts are correctly updated with transactions on a timely basis.

We guide our clients in setting up general ledgers and reporting rules for each transaction. We also design tax rules on client accounting system ensuring each transaction captures necessary tax obligations.

Tax, Compliance & Payroll

We manage the tax compliance and planning process through reviewing of all tax computations and returns to revenue authorities/ other statutory bodies; advising the company on tax implication of ventures; responding to revenue authority queries to ensure the company’s sustainability; and overseeing tax fillings to prevent financial losses that would result from over/underpayments and penalties.

Business Process Design & Planning

We have extensive experience in leading the design and implementation of business systems, processes, tools and control systems for clients.

We build business systems designed to provide critical financial and operational information to the client leadership. To build such systems we redesign business processes to match desired efficiencies and fit into decision tools such as ERP’s.

Risk Management

We assist client leadership to implement internal controls, risk management, and high ethical standards by ensuring that the principles and requirements of managing risk are consistently adopted throughout the organization.

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